GeoBrain is an open, standards-compliant, interoperable,
distributed, web-based, three-tier geospatial information
system. Learn More...
September 2013
GMU WCS4DEM add the support to USGS NED 30m data. Please click here for more details.
June 2012
GeoBrain archived MOD021KM, MOD02HKM, MOD02QKM, MOD09GA and MOD09GQ dataset (from 2000 to 2011) and registered them to CSW. Client can query those two datasets through GeoBrain portal with high response time.
WCS is also implemented to customize sub-dataset of those data products.
February 2012
GeoBrain enables CEOS WGISS Integrated Catalog (CWIC) in GeOnAS and GeoDataDownload portal. More datasets from NASA ECHO,
NOAA CLASS, USGS LandSAT and INPE data center are now supported for inventory search.
More News...

An Online Analysis System Based on Service Oriented Architecture. Enter...

GeoDataDownload can search various remote sensing data products
from both GMU CSISS local catalog and NASA ECHO. Enter...

Customizes DEM data including SRTM 90m (Global), SRTM 30m
(USA Only), ASTER DEM 30m (Global). Enter...

Windsat Dataset Download v2.0 has been released. Added Land surface temperature and Vegetation Water Content data type.
To access to all OGC compliant data services,
download and install Multiple-Protocol Geospatial Client (MPGC) at your machine.
Get DEM data (SRTM 90m) through OGC WCS requests. The OGC-WCS Veriosn 1.0.0
is implemented. Learn More...
A service chaining engine. It runs on top of popular application servers and
now supports the BPEL-based web service chain completely.
Learn More...
Based on using GRASS, we developed those web services to manipulate raster, vector,
process satellite image data. Learn More...