Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems (CSISS)

OGC-Compliant Catalogue Service
Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems
George Mason University
6301 Ivy Lane, Suite 620, Greenbelt, MD 20770, USA




Two catalogue services can be used for publication and discovery of geospatial services and/or data.


Support publication and discovery of both data and services.

GEOSS Registry Support publication (form-based) and discovery of services.


Table of Contents



This catalogue service is developed following the OGC specification 2.0.0 with ebRIM profile. The information model of LAITS Catalog Service for Web is based on ebRIM, ISO19115 and ISO 19119. The service is at

1.1 Capabilities

The capabilities for the catalog service can be retrieved through the following HTTP KVP request –

1.2 Publication

The actual publication address is as follows -

1.2.1 Example – service registration

The following is an example request for service registration.

1.2.2 Example - data registration

The following is an example request for data publication.

1.3 Discovery

The actual endpoint for discovery is as follows.

1.3.1 Example – service discovery

The following is an example request for service discovery.

1.3.2 Example – data discovery

The following is an example request for data discovery.

1.4 Further Readings

Further information may be found in the documents for previous version of catalogue services developed in the Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems. Here are some links –

  1. CSW for GeoBrain project -
  2. CSW for Grid project - (outdated)
  3. CSW for testing - ( demo page for data discovery)


2 GEOSS Registry

The GEOSS registry is a catalogue service based on ebRIM profile. It supports publication and discovery of services for GEOSS. The endpoint is at

The service is quite self-explained on the portal. It allows a user to register. It also allows a developer to write codes to invoke the discovery service (OGC-compliant).

2.1 Service Publication

There are several steps to register service.

  1. Create an account
    1. a. The GEOSS Registry requires a user to register and login to publish services. Choose “GEOSS Members” and “Create New User Account”. Fill the following form. You may use OGC as the GEO affiliation.

  2. Component registration
    1. a. Component* is a term used in GEOSS to represent a system contributed by participants. It should be registered first.
      b. The user is only authorized to register a service through its registered component.
  3. Service registration
    1. a. Select a component that you have the right to register service.
      b. Click “Register a Service”, fill the form and register the service.

* A "GEOSS Component" is a part of GEOSS contributed by a GEO Member or Participating organization. Example types of components include observing systems, data processing systems, dissemination systems, educational programmes, or other initiatives. Components may expose service interfaces to provide access to earth observation-related functions and/or data. Components are described in the GEOSS Component Registry.

2.2 Service Discovery

There are two ways to find the service: one is through the portal interface (form-based) and another is through CSW interface. The former one is self-explained. The latter has a webpage dedicated to describe the usage at

The CSW endpoint is at Its capabilities can be retrieved through the following request –


Copyright Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems (CSISS), 2002-2007
George Mason University (GMU), 6301 Ivy Lane, Suite 620, Greenbelt, MD 20770 USA

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