Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems (CSISS)
CSISS Geospatial Web Services index


This service could be used for raster data interpolation.

When changing resolution of rasters that represent continuous fields, interpolation should be used. Interpolation is also needed when filling gaps in merged raster data or when raster data are patchy and contain NULL values that need to be replaced to achieve continuous coverage.[Markus Neteler, Helena Mitasova, 2004].


surf_interpolation - Fills a raster matrix with interpolated values generatated from a set of data points using numerical approximation techniques. Two IDW (Inverse Distance Weighted) surface interpolation of raster data are available.

Request Parameters:

URL of input raster map
Default format: GeoTIFF
Interpolation Method
Parameter format: string
Options: idw, idw2
idw: Fills a grid cell (raster) matrix with interpolated values generated from a set of input layer data points. It uses a numerical approximation technique based on distance squared weighting of the values of nearest data points. The number of nearest data points used to determined the interpolated value of a cell can be specified by the user (default: 12 nearest data points).
idw2: Fills a raster matrix with interpolated values generated from a set of irregularly spaced data points using numerical approximation (weighted averaging) techniques. The interpolated value of a cell is determined by values of nearby data points and the distance of the cell from those input points.
Number of interpolation points
Parameter format: integer
Default: 12
Type of output GeoTIFF file. The output Format Type is specified as GeoTIFF
Parameter format: string
Options: Byte, Int16, UInt16, UInt32, Int32, Float32, Float64, CInt16, CInt32, CFloat32, CFloat64

Response Parameters:

URL of output raster map
Format of output raster map
Default: GeoTIFF

For further informations


See also GRASS command

Copyright Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems (CSISS), 2002-2010
George Mason University (GMU), 4400 University Drive, MSN 6E1, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA

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