Dataset Name: AgNet_NE Version: 1.0 Author: Dr. Ziheng Sun Contact: Date of Release: Sep 1 2020 Geolocation: Nebraska, US Bounding Box: Upper Left ( -671010.000, 2250720.000) (104d17' 2.53"W, 42d59'19.82"N) Lower Left ( -671010.000, 1886250.000) (103d54'37.45"W, 39d44'38.88"N) Upper Right ( 58530.000, 2250720.000) ( 95d16'32.12"W, 43d14'55.88"N) Lower Right ( 58530.000, 1886250.000) ( 95d18'30.30"W, 39d59'29.78"N) Center ( -306240.000, 2068485.000) ( 99d42' 2.10"W, 41d34' 3.05"N) Time Range: 1985 ~ 2000 Frequency: Yearly Georeference: EPSG:5070 - NAD83 / Conus Albers Format: GeoTiff Resolution: 30 meter Height: 12149 Width: 24318 Keywords: crop, Nebraska, land cover, land use, corn, soybean, landsat Software: GDAL, Keras, Tensorflow, Numpy, GeoWeaver Input Datasets: USGS Landsat 5 TM C1 Level 1 products, USDA Cropland Data Layer, US Census Adminstrative Boundary Shapefile Model: AgNet_v1 LICENSE: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Recommend References: Sun, Z., Di, L., Fang, H. and Burgess, A., 2020. Deep Learning Classification for Crop Types in North Dakota. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. Sun, Z., Di, L. and Fang, H., 2019. Using long short-term memory recurrent neural network in land cover classification on Landsat and Cropland data layer time series. International journal of remote sensing, 40(2), pp.593-614. Sun, Z., Di, L., Burgess, A., Tullis, J.A. and Magill, A.B., 2020. Geoweaver: Advanced Cyberinfrastructure for Managing Hybrid Geoscientific AI Workflows. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(2), p.119.